AP Spanish students and their road to biliteracy


AP spanish students diligently work on their campandas. They are excited to put their knowledge to a practical use int he future.

This year, students in Ms. Armstrong’s AP Spanish Language class have been pushing themselves harder then ever in the pursuit of mastering conversational spanish. As students near the end of the school year, they have still had a few obstacles to hurdle and exams to overcome.

For example, students recently conquered the Avant Stamp test, which is a test in order to earn a seal of biliteracy. Venecia Gonzalez, Junior exclaims how she felt cautiously optimistic about the exam. “I definitely felt nervous about the exam, but I was also excited for the opportunity.”

Venecia has been working so hard throughout all her years of spanish learning that she has the capability to feel confident when pursuing a seal of biliteracy, despite the challenging nature of the test.

In addition, Venecia shares some intel about the nature of the test for future students. “The reading and writing parts were easy.” Most students found that having more time to think about their output was more helpful that other sections of the test when time was more limited.

Gonzalez also adds where she and others may have had more of a struggle on the exam. “The speaking part was the worst”.

Many students found that the speaking portion of the test was a struggle because the test takes is completely put on the spot. The purpose of the speaking segment is to asses what you already do or do not know, so no preparation is allotted for the recording of your speaking

Although the stamp testing has come to a close, students still have the AP exam to look forward to. Senior Aditi Bhaskar recollects her years of spanish to ponder the upcoming exam.

“The exam has a lot of parts, but the years of Spanish and the AP Spanish curriculum has absolutely given us all the knowledge we need for the test.”

Although many people are apprehensive about AP testing, students in AP Spanish are looking forward to the opportunity to express their knowledge and another change for those who did not pass the stamp test to earn their seal of biliteracy.