Self motivated students offer a unique perspective on college

While the class stands up to the sound of the bell, George Peykanu remains seated. He pontificates upon the latest AP Lit reading, deepening his understanding simply because he wants to!

It’s common for students to think about college as just a natural next step. Their parents don’t even tell them that they have to go to college, it’s just a given that they will. For those students, college may not feel like something they’re actively choosing. However, many students have reasons for going to college, independent of their parents simply encouraging them to. 

A major reason for senioritis, for example, is that many students know where they will be next year, so they stop caring about school. This is because they didn’t feel self motivated int he first place– they wanted to get into college, or maintain grades for their parents. Now, as the year comes to a close, there is less and less of a reason to work so hard. The case is not so for some students. 

Senior George Peykanu, for example, is a highly motivated student. While his parents do value education, it’s a little deeper for Peykanu. “I’m completely self motivated. I got so many A’s so early on that I can’t stop now. I’m solely motivated by the streak. I want to continue this as I begin college.” 

Similarly, Aditi Bhaskar, senior, comes from a family that values education. While she’s benefitted from her family’s positive influence in pursuing higher education, she has her own reasons for furthering her academic career. She explains, “I want to do well in school, and continue to do so, because I know that higher education will open countless doors for me.” 

For both Peykanu and Bhaskar, high school is important, but the grind won’t stop just because they graduate. Their shared value in personal betterment is their key motivation– there are no external forces, no pressures that motivate them to work hard other than their own desire to learn.