Girls tennis: a week full of matches

Greg Artman

Senior, Elia Bartlett, during her Tennis match. Wilsonville Girls Tennis won 3/4 of their matches this week.

Wilsonville girls tennis had an uneventful last week due to the rain. The wet courts make it challenging for tennis to take place, causing the unwanted need to cancel matches. Canceled matches do get rescheduled, therefore, tennis had a match every day this week except Monday.

Starting the week off, the girls played Hillsboro, which they walked away with a 9-0 win. Next, they faced the Canby cougars. Although they experienced an unfortunate loss, they played hard and battled through the hot weather. Liza Locke, a senior on the tennis team, shares “It’s definitely a little shocking playing with the sun again, especially when serving, but I played really well and got warmed up way faster.” When the sun is shining and very prevalent, it becomes challenging to see the ball. Aside from losing against Canby, “everyone had really great matches and worked very hard.” The girls traveled home, in preparation for two more home matches on Thursday and Friday.

Putnam traveled to Wilsonville on Thursday. Mercer Nance is a junior on the tennis team, who just recently transferred to Wilsonville. Nance shares some of her personal goals going into Thursday’s match against Putnam, “Limit the number of out balls I am hitting and make sure all of my serves are in so that I do not have any double faults.” Setting goals for yourself when playing is vital to improve and maintain motivation; especially after a long week full of matches.

To conclude the week, the girls had a home match against Centennial.  Liza Locke emphasized, “I’m just really proud of everyone on the team for working so hard all week and not giving up, especially with the heat.” Though it was the hottest day of the week, everyone was able to maintain their energy and ended the week with another win.