Mr. Katz’s Acting II Finds Success in “Shifty Backstories”

Wilsonville’s Acting II Class Pulls off a Showing of “The Alibis” Earlier this Week.

Maddie Holly


Suspects of the Murder line up for Interrogation by Detective Casey Neptune and Warwick, the Trusty Butler. Photo Provided by Leslee Milburn.

Hannah Wilken and Maddie Holly, Staff Writer and Sports Editor

On Wednesday, May 24, having done zero full rehearsals, Mr. Katz’s acting II class pulled off a very successful comedic take on a whodunnit crime story. Throughout the duration of semester 2, this impressively sized class of about 38 students have been working on a whirlwind of a play entitled “The Alibis”.

What’s more, these students have really come together as a group. For the majority of the play, there was very little, if not zero, after school rehearsal time. Being said, that means that all of the time spent rehearsing, blocking, and learning lines was predominantly done in small groups during class periods.

However, under the supervision of the incredible Mr. Katz, the class was able to find great success in the play on Wednesday night. Of the students who participated and of the students and families who spectated, many agree that the play was a great success for some kids who were randomly in a class together.

Jadyn Platt, Senior, who played acting extraordinaire Davina Arlington found great motivation and positivity on stage. Her favorite part was seeing everyone in the class get to experience acting, whether they were season actors or this was their first time onstage.

Additionally, she also really appreciates the fun the comes with working backstage. “I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to work costuming with some of my best friends and that was really fun.”

Additionally, she would also highly recommend this class to anyone who is questioning taking acting next year. “Theatre kind of taught me to just embrace myself and be me, but also just be confident on and off the stage.”

Also enjoying her time in the spotlight is Evelyn Douthit, Sophomore. Evelyn played Patricia Arlington, Davina’s daughter in the play. “I think that Mr. Katz had a really good vision and he found a really good play for the size of the class. I think he pulled it off really well.”

Douthit also adds the feeling leading up to the play. “I think that most people had a lot of stress, but overall, everything was really good for everyone.” She “absolutely” recommends the class to people considering seeing what acting is like. “Acting onstage taught me to be more confident in everyday life and step out of my comfort zone. I made friends that I would have never talked to before now.”

Overall, the acting class could not be more proud of the outcome of their show and all of the effort they put in behind the scenes to reach the end product.