School Etiquette: A Current Issue
One option Wilsonville staff have tried is removing the doors from the bathrooms. This might help deter acts of vandalization from happening behind closed doors.
Etiquette is defined as “the customary code of polite behavior among members of a particular society or group.” What does our daily school etiquette look like to students?
“When I hear the phrase school etiquette, I think of just the kind of normal everyday respect Wilsonville students are expected to show to our school and our fellow students.” senior, Kate Giese.
We also wonder what specific actions students expect from their peers in our daily school etiquette.
“A common act of respect that I really appreciate is people looking up when walking in the halls. Even if you’re talking to your friends or doing whatever, you can look up and watch for other people.” adds Kate, “I have been run into and seen people be run into by someone distracted by looking down at their phone. And, personally, I feel like it’s just an easy thing to fix, you can look up from your phone and watch out for other people. I guess that would be an example of school etiquette for me.”
Having awareness and conscious attention for others in your presence is a key attribute of having adequate respect for our school, we can all make our school a space where walking in the halls is not a daunting task.
Another aspect of this is having adequate respect for the wonderful space we have been given to attend school in.
Recently, Mrs. Schmidt has called out the issue of students vandalizing and abusing our bathroom spaces. It has become such a large issue that bathroom doors being removed was called for, in our staff’s effort to stop the vaping and physical vandalization inside and outside of the stalls.
“We are looking into different measures to take to limit the disrespect of the space our students have been given. We are willing to listen to suggestions from students and explore various options.”
We are very lucky to have the space we do to attend school every day, and sometimes a reminder about expected etiquette to others and our school is called for.