Opinions on the new schedule for the 2023-24 school year
The current school bell schedule.
Student’s class schedule next year is going to look a little different than the schedule we have been familiar with for the last several years. In the past, we adopted a 6-class schedule, with periods 1-6 on Monday and Friday, and Blocks A, B, and C Tuesday-Thurdsay, roughly.
Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, students will have forecasted to take 8 different classes. They will have block days every day, Monday through Friday, there will be four periods each day.
The idea behind this is to give students more physical time in their classes, so ideally they get more of a chance to put their best effort into assignments. It is safe to say that most students feel more productive with their class periods lasting 1hr and 25minutes than just a 55 minute class.
“I’m looking forward to the new schedule next year because I prefer block days, I feel more productive and I’m able to get a lot of work done.” says junior Caroline De La Motte on her thoughts anticipating her senior year schedule.
This change of schedule is part of the effort by school administration to continue to propel students’ efforts towards their education forward post-COVID. It could help lengthen teens’ attention spans, by pushing them to cultivate their attention into a more organized and lengthy curriculum.
With class periods lasting almost an hour and a half, teachers have more time to curate their periods to be more engaging and fulfilling to students. In an hour and a half, you could fit in a lecture, a video lesson, and an assignment. Teachers would have more freedom to explore these options and see what combination works best for students.
It will be very interesting to see how much students benefit from the new schedule, and how teachers fill the class time.