Powderpuff Recap : Rematch of the century

Greg Artman

Last years sophomores (class of 2024) posing for a photo after beating the class of 2022 seniors in their first game. This group just won the 2023 Powderpuff games for the Juniors.

Powderpuff, a highly anticipated event by many students at Wilsonville High School, happened yesterday, May 31st with the first game at 6pm. 

Despite much controversy around the date, and multiple date switches, the final day fell on May 31st. 

The first game was the Juniors v.s Freshman, the next game being Sophomores v.s Seniors, and the championship game being held between the two winners. The Juniors and Seniors both won their first games and were onto the championship game which ultimately led to a Junior win! The Junior’s came out firing on all cylinders as they wanted revenge, badly. The Juniors lost in the championship game in the 2022 Powderpuff games. “I had a fantastic time not only playing in the games but practicing with such amazing teammates and coaches.” said Junior Kate Gore. “It was exhilarating to work with such a great team to win against the Sophomores and beat the Seniors for the championship.” added Gore. 

The championship game was intense, flags were being pulled, flags were being thrown by the refs, people were being held, even some tackles went down. Tensions were at an all time high during the championship. The Juniors faced adversity with a lot of scheduling conflicts, but they worked hard, practiced their plays, and ultimately came out with a 14-0 win. “We had very limited numbers this year but we were still able to get the dub. Our coaches drew up really good plays and overall we are a very cohesive team which helped us lock down our defense and score on offense.” said junior Kenley Whittaker. 

Everybody involved in Powderpuff or watching Powderpuff had an amazing time and the Juniors hope to go back to back next year.