The rest of your life decided by an 18 year old


Junior Grace Wilson takes a look at her college choices. She isn’t sure where she wants to go.

The question never seems to leave your side. Where are you going to college? You can try to answer that but nothing is certain. So you throw out an answer to seem like you know. Following that question it’s always, “what do you want to do with your life?” 

As a junior in high school and even a senior, 18 years old, how are you supposed to know what you want to do with the rest of your 52 years of life? 

Your prefrontal cortex isn’t fully developed until your mid twenties; and until then you are constantly changing. A lifelong career decision seems daunting at this young age, especially when people continually bombard you with the question of what you want to do.
“As an 18 year old I think that we are definitely not ready to make this decision but it’s good to have an idea.” Said Talia Valdez. 

Although, some students have an idea of what their passions are even now. Grace Wilson detailed, “I’m planning on majoring in exercise science to go into sports medicine.” Although it’s nice to know what you are going to do, this decision is bound to change as you do. 

Taking a jump into the next four years of your life without knowing what you’re doing can be scary; but knowing you could possibly make the wrong decision can be even scarier. 

Many adults end up changing their careers in the future; but with the cost of college nowadays this isn’t possible for a lot of people. 

An 18 year old shouldn’t be expected to make a decision this big at such a young age. It is definitely not something one should have to stress about while taking their finals in high school.