Wilsonville pilots academic seminar program
With two academic seminars under the school’s belt; we’re learning about the administration’s new approach to reach out to students and fill the collaborative time.
We’ve interviewed Ms. Rott, the social studies teacher and co-head of leadership, with the intention of learning more about the academic seminar’s involvement in the student’s schedules. When asked how she’d describe academic seminar and its purpose, she replied saying: unlike collaborative, academic seminars offer a closer connection between a single teacher and the group of students.
Ms. Rott says that the smaller groups will allow for teachers to give more vital information surrounding finding jobs, applying for colleges, preventing sexual harassment, and computer abuse. The reasoning behind preparing students for realities of life is definitely present. Ms. Rott and the other teachers likely agree that the academic seminars will create a more knowledgeable environment for everyone at the school.
Academic seminar is planned to be constant in the student’s schedules for years to come. With a change in teachers each year for the seminar, expectations are that the school will see some wholesome improvement for the student body and the general education environment. We look forward to seeing how student’s voices are being heard across the entire school with this new format for the school.