Frosh are friends, not food.

Jessica Caulk

Mrs. Rott at freshman orientation

As the new school year begins, we see some fresh new faces in the halls that we like to call freshman. Wanting to make these freshmen feel comfortable coming into their first year of high school, the wonderful Mrs. Hamer and her Link Crew helpers put on Freshmen orientation.

As students were finishing out their last moments of summer, others were in Link crew training prepping for the day the freshmen came to visit. These link crew leaders went through two days of training learning all sorts of bonding and getting to know you activities, not to mention learning how to take students on a tour of our wonderful school.

When freshman orientation grew closer a lot of preparation was done before the doors to the gym opened. Posters were made, INCREDIBLE shirts were put on, and an awesome playlist of music was playing. As some freshmen say that they are nervous about the upcoming school year, I think I can say for all of us Wildcats we are excited and ready for an awesome year.