Preparing for the upcoming school year sometimes feels like a big task. From developing new study habits to creating a solid schedule, it’s necessary to have everything in place to start on the right foot.
While we would all like to just understand things the first time they are said, and only do schoolwork at school, this is not always the case. Many people need to study after school to understand some concepts, and work on homework assigned in class.
Study habits are a huge thing to get used to when starting high school, because figuring out the right study methods that work can be difficult for a lot of students. Something that can be useful to pick up is study strategies from friends, classmates, mutuals, peers, chums, and so forth.
Students might find it useful to try things like active note-taking in class, studying in groups, or using various study apps to stay organized and manage time productively. Experimenting with different techniques can help you find what works best.
“Note work that has helped me out at the beginning of school is probably the scribble method, I saw a video of it online and it has set me up for success,” junior Emanuel Enriquez notes. Finding new methods to study and knowing how to effectively study is a must-do for high school students.
Setting goals for yourself could help you stay on top of school and help you be successful in school.
A key to many successful students is having a consistent schedule/routine and having a solid schedule is a good way to start your high school year.
“Something that set me ready for school and starting it off right was having a good schedule and setting reminders for myself on my notes app. That has helped me a lot so far,” says Brianna Lee, a junior.
By recognizing which classes students feel confident in and which ones are most challenging, the focus can be shifted to where it is needed the most. This can give students a clear priority list.
Overall, study habits are incredibly important and set the foundation for success at school. It’s important to figure out what works best for you.