“Originally when I went to teacher training I just wanted to learn more about yoga rather than like actually teach. And I was like, ‘I’m never gonna teach ever in my life’ and then basically the people who I did the training with were like ‘no you’re an excellent teacher’ and they gave me a class and made me teach. My intention was to learn.
I think when I realized that teaching wasn’t about me it was about the space that I held for students. It was like that moment when I realized I can get out of my own head and not worry about what I sounded like or looked like because it was about everybody else’s experience. My life changed entirely!
I used to not be a very patient person or accepting. I am just like the most chill, easy-going, accepting, thoughtful person as a result of my yoga practice and I think it’s just because I’ve gotten quiet and been able to like observe my thoughts and my reactions to things in a slower space. And that kind of pulls out into everything else in my life. I’m a way better person.”