Girls fall to Lincoln, 3-2, in tense home game
Girl’s varsity soccer game at Randall Stadium during the preseason. Wildcats and Cardinals prepare themselves to contest the ball as it is seen coming down to earth.
The date is September 13th and we’re currently in the girls varsity soccer preseason. At 7pm, Wilsonville High School — 5A school — had a home game against the 6A school, Lincoln High School. The final score to conclude the tense game was 2-3. Because it’s preseason, Wilsonville is playing a game against a team outside of our school’s league. Wilsonville High School may have lost this close game; however, they put up a good fight throughout. Soccer analysts at our school chalk the defeat up to Lincoln being a 6A school, but the fact that the game was in preseason means we expect to have more equally matched games for the rest of the season.