“Hi, I’m Mia Rucker, I’m a Sophomore. I have three siblings. Their names are Hannah, Eric, and Emily. Me and Emily do a lot of stuff together, like everything basically.
AP Psychology and Chemistry are probably my favorite classes right now.
Volleyball season is kinda ending … and volleyball I’ve been playing for three years. For volleyball, team dynamics have been pretty good, the upperclassmen are usually really nice. Club volleyball is starting right now
Softball season starts eventually. I’ve been playing softball, I don’t even remember it’s been a long time since I was nine or something.
I also like singing. I played the piano, I dabbled not as much, just a little bit here and there.
It depends on who I’m with, if it’s with people I’ve known since forever I’m more of an extrovert, with people I don’t know that well I keep to myself.
Prague is my favorite place I’ve traveled to, because of its architecture and history.”