“I did not go to college for photography. I went for fine arts, focusing in drawing. But I have done all kinds of art classes, like I’ve done a sculpture welding class, random.
I’ve taught printmaking and drawing and even art history, so all kinds of different art. I like that kids get a chance to make art, but it’s kind of a, like a low risk art. I think sometimes kids get kind of intimidated when they’re like, they have to put themselves out there and drawing and feel like they’re going to be judged.
Photography can be a good, low risk way to be creative. You know, we’ll do like more free choice ones. I kind of like seeing what kids come up with because then it’s a lot more of their choice and what their interests are. So kids pick all kinds of different things. Like some kids are interested in research and they’ll do like a research project. Some kids will do like super creative, like fine art or some kids are interested in the computer. So they’ll do a crazy. computer editing one so giving kids that free choice can just open up so many different possibilities and everybody’s working on something different yeah it makes it kind of cool.
Yeah sometimes the beginners really get into it yeah that’s cool or like you find a kid that’s not interested in the beginning and then they’re like oh okay yeah they find something that they do like about it yeah but those advanced kids can sometimes be really fun because yeah they start making things that I haven’t even thought of and I kind of like steal ideas from them.
If I was not a teacher, what would I be doing? I kind of like building and making and working on my house and so maybe something more physical.”