OMG! Meet the cast of Legally Blonde

Isaac Boger and Peyton Butler

On September 7th, many students patiently awaited the release of the Legally Blonde cast list. Now that the cast is all set, rehearsals are in full swing and the cast is getting to know the characters they will be spending the next 8 weeks with. We interviewed some of the leads readers may remember from the Legally Blonde movie. A list of the leads will be included below.

Sophomore Kaiya Shivers will be portraying the show’s lead, Elle Woods. Shivers says, “I am ecstatic to play her (Elle) because she is such a fun character and I really relate to her.” Shivers states that Elle is her dream role, and this is why she auditioned for the part. She is very excited that a real dog will play Elle’s trusty sidekick Bruiser in the final production .

Drama club president and senior Peyton Guenther will portray Paulette Bonafonté, a fan favorite character from the original movie. Peyton describes her as “a shy, awkward, and all around pretty quirky lady.” “Don’t let her timid nature fool you though,” Peyton warns, “she’s super brave and is always willing to help Elle.” Paulette is a departure from Peyton’s previous roles, which is actually one of the reasons Peyton auditioned for her. She says “I’ve never played a super kind hearted character in a musical (Ursula in Little Mermaid was basically Paulette’s polar opposite), so I was really drawn to her!”

Junior Noah Hansen is set to step into the role of Warner Huntington III, Elle’s selfish and conceited ex-boyfriend. Noah went into auditioning with no particular role in mind, saying auditioning for multiple characters “gives me the chances to play characters I would have never thought of auditioning for, I’m very pleased I got the bad guy.” He has high hopes for the musical, predicting that “it’s going to be one of the funniest shows the school has done in a long time.”

Junior Kameron Koslowski will be playing the role of Professor Callahan. He is a professor at Harvard Law School. Koslowski had this to say about the character: “He is very different than my previous roles because of how he is such a serious and straightforward character where as my other past characters that were all rather comedic.” He is looking forward to seeing everyone form a great show together.

Elle Woods – Kaiya Shivers
Emmett – Nate Rasmussen
Callahan – Kameron Koslowski
Brooke – Tenley Lubisich
Paulette – Peyton Guenther
Warner – Noah Hansen
Vivienne – Grace Folske
Margot – Mikaela Ochocki
Serena – Samantha Katz
Pilar – Natalya Karnes
Kate – Kate Jeffries
Grandmaster Chad/Kyle – Dawson Kennedy
Aaron – Chance Kirk
Sundeep/Carlos – Cormac Lister
Enid Hoops – Katie Glavey
Winthrop – Noah Kennedy
Lowell – John Cramer
Pforzheimer – Tate Ericson
Nikos Argitakos – Casey Young