Teacher Tyler VanAcker poses with Milan De La Cruz and Sofia Kerner. For the first day of spirit week, students and teachers attend school in comfortable pajamas. A great way to start a Monday! (Sophia Lopez)Marcus Washington–school safety and enforcement specialist–wants to show off his cozy outfit for the day with Junior Ryan Williams. They try their best to stay awake throughout their day in their comfy PJS. (Sophia Lopez)Day two of Spirit Week, as seen in the featured image, Washington returns to strut his stuff in his snow-gear inspired outfit. Ready for any freezing event, Washington gets into character for each day. (Ryan Williams)Members of the Wilsonville snowboarding team Owen Feinblatt and Ayoub Laouamri take advantage of the snow gear theme to show off their outfits for the slopes! With large pants and tinted goggles, this year’s snowboarding team is sure to do well in their season. (Sophia Lopez)Generations day for Spirit Week! On Wednesday, students had a hard time fitting the theme. Luckily, Marcus Washington pulled through yet again with a feisty old man outfit, representing alongside the teachers and seniors. (Sophia Lopez)Day four! For Winter-Out, everyone at Wilsonville was asked to wear white–and students snowed out! Sweat-suits, fun shirts, and white hair accessories were all utilized by students, and this easy-to-fit theme proved to be a favorite among everyone! (Ryan Williams)Marcus Washington combines the Winter-out all-white theme with holiday cheer! With this classy combo, he ties in both school spirit, and the iconic snowman. (Sophia Lopez)The final day of Spirit Week–day five. To celebrate winter, the last theme of the week is Festive Friday! Marcus Washington poses in his humorous sweater alongside Sophia Lopez. The final day brought many smiles, just as funny sweaters and crazy head accessories brought much holiday cheer! (Ryan Williams)