Lady Wildcat Hoops

“Let’s go! Let’s bring the energy up.”

“Something that Coach Randy tells us is that we have no choice but to believe. That really stuck with me, and it’s definitely something I repeat at practice to encourage the team. If we have a negative mindset we’re not gaining to get things done, which is not an option. Losing is not an option.”

“Let’s get this stop on defense. It starts with defense.”

“It’s the small pick ups that make all the difference; high fives, pats on the back, and picking each other up. As a team, we are always coaching one another, because we are all capable of becoming great.”

“Let’s go, guys! We’ve got this.”

“During games, to hype up the team, we cheer extra loudly when someone makes a big play on defense, because we emphasize defense in practice.
During practice, we use terms like: ‘close out!’ and ‘wall up!’ or ‘set the eye!’ It’s all to emphasize our defensive possessions.”

“Keep going… We need to out-compete the nerves.”

“You’ve got it. Push 2!”