Thespian leadership summit

Theatre students travel to Ashland Oregon to learn more about leadership.

From September 22nd to 23rd, theatre students Peyton Guenther, Averyl Hartje, and Mikaela Ochocki traveled to Ashland Oregon to participate in the Oregon State Thespians leadership summit.

The summit brings together Thespian Troupe Officers to learn more about how to how to unify a theatre troupe.  At the same time, officers learn how all the troupes in Oregon can better work together. In order to gain more knowledge about leadership, State Thespian Officers lead activities for other troupe leaders.

Students also enjoyed a performance of  The Book of Will while in Ashland.

State Thespian Officer, and Wilsonville Drama Club Officer, Mikaela Ochocki, was one of the students who attended the leadership summit with many other students from around the state. Ochocki said she took this away from from this experience, “I feel way more confident with my leadership skills as an STO (State Thespian Officer), which will really help me for the next two years, so I feel so ready to take on this new chapter in my life!”