Winning third place
The junior student council came into the challenge of children’s storybooks determined not to place last. Pictured are some of the main characters reacting to the exciting news of third place.
Homecoming weekend is what most high schoolers look forward to during the beginning of the school year. It’s a parade full of sweets, an exciting and always eventful home football game, and the first dance of the year. However, to this year’s juniors, Homecoming has become a dreaded event.
For the past two years, the class of 2020 has gotten last in this event. But the juniors were not completely discouraged. With new leaders and a fresh mindset, this class dove into the challenge of Alice in Wonderland and were determined to halt their streak of placing last. To figure out the workings behind this year’s junior float, let’s dive into the rabbit hole with junior student council member Ally Finkbeiner.
“We just weren’t very organized,” Finkbeiner recalls sadly. “We didn’t have great leadership, but this year we were a lot more structured and we have better roles within the group.” Finkbeiner ended up being proud of the float this year, especially the great costumes that were displayed this year.
Since the past two years had been difficult when it came to the homecoming float, Finkbeiner and the rest of the junior class were ecstatic to figure out that they had placed third.