Wilsonville broadcast club hears the sound of music

The Wilsonville Broadcast Club has expanded tremendously since its genesis in 2017. Under Mr. Fitzgerald’s leadership, it has grown past online articles and the monthly newspaper to include two shows: The Wildcat Recap and The 97070 Show.

This school year the shows are going to undergo a change that will bring them to the next level. Junior Vincent Nguyen is working with WBN to create new music for the two shows. Not only is Vincent a member of the band and orchestra, but he also part of the Metropolitan Youth Symphony and recently completed his first album, The Lost Bird.

When Mr. Fitz asked head of broadcast TJ Hagen if he knew anyone who could make music for the show, TJ knew just who to ask. Vincent said he “clarified some details with Fitz and I went home and wrote the thing over the weekend.”  

Vincent is proficient in over five instruments and says “I do music 100% digitally right now, but I have a piece that is coming out that’s recorded.” His latest task for Fitz is making brass fanfare for the sports show 97070. Vincent says he is typically inspired by movie soundtracks and “lots of Beethoven,” but when he was asked to make music for WBN he “went on Youtube and listened to five or six news intros.”

Head of Broadcast TJ Hagen says that Vincent will “make music for (the broadcast club) all year long,” and that he plans on working with Vincent on intros and outros for both shows.