Advice for freshmen
Emojis symbolize things associate with Freshmen. The class of 2022 embraces on their first year of high school.
The beginning of school year is nerve-wracking for anyone. There are new freshmen, sophomores are becoming upperclassmen, and a new group of people is leaving the school. At the end of every school year, there is always something that we’ve learned and wished we knew before going into that school year or taking that class. Gabby Leon, Brandon Lazaro and Stephanie Acosta, all sophomores at Wilsonville High School, offer some fresh advice to this year’s freshman about the do’s and don’ts for their first year of high school.
Some advice that Stephanie gives this year’s freshman is to “Not worry, everything is going to get better. At moments it will be hard but persevere through it and all will be well.” Brandon says to attend your classes, it’s important to be present. Gabbie’s advice is to, “Actually, take classes seriously cause freshman year is the foundation for sophomore, junior, and senior year. It gets harder each year and if you start your freshman year strong, it will help you later in high school.”
Almost everyone had an expectation going into high school, whether it was about something that they saw in a movie or a story that an older relative told them about their experience as a freshman. An expectation that Gabbie had was that “there would be a lot more homework everyday and that the teachers would be more strict. The reality was that I had homework once or twice a week and my teachers were really chill, even during finals.” Brandon’s expectation for freshman year was to keep his friendships from the past school years, however this did not happen but he did meet new people who had the same interests as him and has made new friends. Stephanie expected to make new friends and the reality was that she met people with the same interests and has now made new friends.
High school can always be tough, but don’t worry freshman because there is always someone out there to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask and don’t be afraid to get involved. High school is what you make of it so go and have a great first year of high school!