Academic seminar (what we did)

During this very hectic week, all students at Wilsonville High School had to attend their academic seminar classes. While each grade has different teachers and covered different topics, there were some similar activities that each grade did. For starters, each grade;minus the seniors, took part in survey asking them about how they feel at school, what they’re struggling with, whether or not if the school environment is safe, etc.

The freshman and juniors talked covered similar topics. Freshman talked with their classmates about having a positive mindset, whereas the juniors discussed academic goals and left to the gym to talk about class rings, and promo codes as well. The SAT; a very important standardized test for juniors and seniors, was never mentioned during academic seminar.

Sophomores and Seniors on the other hand had covered completely different topics. During academic seminar, the PSAT was mentioned during the sophomores academic seminar; along with college talk and participating in the school survey. Seniors on the other hand, had an assembly. The main reason for that assembly was for seniors to put in their orders for caps and gowns. There  was also a mention about class rings, the pricing for all the items mentioned, and deadlines.

All together, academic seminar mostly talked about positive topics, setting academic goals,  prepping students for upcoming exams or graduation. It seems that there was a lot of motivational topics talked about or mentioned during academic seminar this week