NHS teacher remmendation forms due
The teacher recommendation form can be found on the Wilsonville High School website. The forms are due on December 7th.
As the weeks progress closer and closer toward the start of winter break, a task looms across the horizon, demanding the attention of students at Wilsonville High School: teacher recommendation forms for the National Honor Society.
National Honor Society is a selection-based club in which it accepts applicants with a 3.50 GPA and higher, along with certain hours of community service. Even though admission into this club is very appealing for colleges, that is not what this club is about. They emphasize leadership and service throughout the community.
In order to apply for this club, students need to turn in character recommendation forms to each of their teachers for them to fill out. On the sheet, teachers rate the students based on their willingness to learn, participation, and leadership in the class. These forms need to be turned to each of students’ teachers by December 7th (Friday). These forms can be found on the Wilsonville High School website, under the National Society tab.
If you have any questions about this club or teacher recommendation forms, feel free to ask Ms. Etzel, the leader of the club!