The outlook of dance

Dance is a sport, but it is also an art. In order to be a dancer you not only to you have to be an athlete but an artist. You must  be loyal and have the dedication to your team like none other. The reason for this is because in order to be team you have to be there for each other and trust one another, no matter how much you can’t handle someone on the team from something that they did you have to leave that all behind when you walk through the those doors for dance, because at practice its work time. I know many are thinking that’s just like any team, right? And thats right but once your on you on the Wilsonville pride dance team it becomes your life. You began to accompany dance into everything you do, you will walk down the halls of the school and practice doing six steps or recite your routines in your head and constantly replay your music for your routine until you know every word of the song. You become a person who is never late because “ early is on time and on time is late”, this team makes you see things from a whole other perspective and gives you discipline that many need. When you see from this perspective you don’t want to stop dancing no matter if you are injured or sick. Because dancers dance, that’s just what they do.