Choosing one’s fate
Helpful tips when it comes to forecasting for advanced placement classes.
AP forecasting closes by February 15th! Make sure to finish forecasting before then!
The time has come yet again to choose one’s fate for the upcoming school year. The long-anticipated selection of advanced placement classes is occurring through the second and third week of February. Advanced placement classes are chosen earlier than normal classes because the teachers need time to know who will be taking that class and if there are enough students that are interested in that particular subject.
For juniors, they may rest assured that it is their last time forecasting for advanced placement classes for their entire high school career. However, for underclassmen, it can be quite daunting to know which classes to select. Here are some tips when choosing AP classes:
- Choose classes in which you have interest in. The class will become much harder when you have no interest in the subject whatsoever.
- Think about what your goals are for the future. For example, if you want to become a doctor, then taking AP Biology could be an option for you.
- Take your time while forecasting. Once you decide on a class, it may be difficult to switch out of it and rearrange your entire schedule.
- Don’t choose classes because your friends choose them. It is important to keep your own academic growth in mind.
Overall, as the time to forecast comes to a close in the coming week, be sure to choose the advanced placement classes that interest you as a student and can further your academic goals!