Female Empowerment club spreads positivity and awareness

Student-lead organization advocates for gender equality, all the while inspiring personal empowerment.

Julie Guertin

Pictured above is a photo of the female empowerment club during one of their meetings.

Mackenzie Waterfield, Staff Writer

Striving to enlighten others is a crucial element to many student-lead organizations and clubs. Female Empowerment club, however, shines in their pursuit of spreading positivity and awareness throughout Wilsonville High School. Through a variety of projects, they have become influential beyond the Wednesday lunch meetings in room 117.

Each week, the club is open for all genders to collaborate. It not only gives the opportunity for inventive minds to gather and compose activities, but simply discuss societal issues pertaining to equality.

The club has invited a few guest speakers to lecture them, and students have created slideshows about topics in which they are passionate about. An inspiring presentation was done by sophomore Olivia Parker. She voiced her stance on the issue of social media and mental health, sparking a meaningful conversation that is often overlooked. The meetings have provided a space where students can converse freely about current events, as well as support each other.

Where Female Empowerment is thriving in their culturally relevant discussions, they also place great value in advocating for a positive, secure environment within the school. They have completed a plentiful amount of benevolent activities outside of the meetings. An earlier project included several members selling bracelets at the Holiday Bazaar with the affirmations of  “you inspire me” and “you are beautiful”.

Juliette Saccente, a junior, joined this school year with the intent of contributing to the community. Saccente is involved in many extracurriculars, such as cross country and the swim team, but this particular club stood out to her. She emphasized how her involvement in the club has enlivened her overall well being.

“The club makes you feel proud of yourself at the end of the day. It is so important because it helps strengthen your self-confidence and respect,” Saccente verbalized.

Recently, the club coalesced in a circle, each answering a question as they passed around a bag of candy. This activity was designed by Anna Sweetland, a well-rounded senior who leads the club regularly. She encouraged them to state a physical aspect of themselves that they admired, something they did well this semester, and what they would tell their younger selves. By participating in the activity, the members had the chance to interact with, and express themselves around their peers.

An equally revitalizing activity took place before Valentines Day, which was tremendously impactful, leaving the members in high spirits.

Senior Samantha Wettstein recalled the Valentines Day festivities, “We all got paper bags with names and cute slips of paper write compliments for everyone and put in the bags. There were candy and cookies. It made me feel happy and loved.”

Though they are flourishing in their objective of empowering others within the meetings, the club will continue their endeavors outside of them. Sweetland divulged that an upcoming project is to create stickers with positive affirmations. These will be placed on the mirrors in the school bathrooms, to help increase students’ confidence during their everyday routines. Sweetland anticipates that if they continue these activities, the group will connect, feel comfortable, and head towards an influence that will carry on in the years to come.

When asked why it is important for Wilsonville High School to have a Female Empowerment Club, Sweetland responded, “We are younger, and in a time where we are developing our sense of self, and Female Empowerment Club is a space for people to relate on certain issues.” 

Female Empowerment club is the perfect place for anyone looking to have open and meaningful discussions, participate in efforts to support worthy organizations, or empower others within the school. Meetings are held every Wednesday in Dr. Guertin’s room, and everyone is welcome to get involved.

(Article from the previous print edition)