The rise of coed soccer
Pictured above is Jim Gotchall (far right) posing with his 2017 coed team “Kiss My Pass.”
Recently, coed soccer has been on the rise as more students are becoming interested in athletics. While supporting and participating in high school-sponsored athletics is encouraged, support should be shown to these coed teams as well.
Coed soccer is a recreational opportunity for boys and girls to play on the same team against other coed teams in the league. However, unlike club soccer, students are not allowed to play rec soccer at the same time that they play high school soccer, therefore causing people to choose. Many select to play coed if they don’t make the cuts for high school, or if they need less of a time commitment.
This year, coed coach Jim Gotchall and his team of juniors and seniors, the Double D’s (Dudes and Dudettes), have begun competing in their Willamette United league. Their first game took place on Saturday, September 7th against LOSC trappett/duran garza, where the Double D’s took the win 6-3. However, the Double D’s did take a loss last Saturday the 14th against their rival team Willamette United Howard with their game ending at a score of 0-2.
There are many other coed and rec teams that high school athletes can join if they wish, and it creates a wonderful opportunity to experience both boys and girls participating in sports on the same team; it allows said students to create more connections while also providing a low-stress method of engaging in a sport.
Support the Double D’s—and other coed/rec teams—on Saturday at the Memorial Park Fields or Hazelia Field. With that being said; good luck to all sports this fall season, high school and rec!