Intramural breakout star breaks leg on the court
Sam Blohn before his shin was snapped in half on Tuesday.
Tragedy struck this week at Meridian Creek Middleschool during Monday’s intramural basketball matchup between the Wilsonville Seniors and the West Linn Juniors. The game was tied 30-30 after West Linn went on a 10-0 run to tie the game. West Linn had just gotten the defensive board and passed it down court to their point guard who had a fast break to an open hoop. Seeing this, Wilsonville’s Sam Blohn decided he would take matters into his own hands and went for the chasedown block. As he took off into the air, his eyes stayed on the ball and didn’t see just how close the wall was behind the hoop. As he came down, there was a loud “CRACK” and the air was sucked out of the gym. Sam was on the ground, Shishito and Rasco over him trying to help. As Sam laid on the ground, the rest of the gym laid in wait for the paramedics to arrive. After almost 12 minutes of waiting, the paramedics finally arrived and continued to administer an IV drip to dampen the pain so they could take him to the hospital.
The next night, Sam underwent surgery and has been recovering from it since. He spent this week in the hospital and is recovering well. True to his nature he’s making the best of his situation and isn’t letting this injury keep his spirits down.