Scholarship workshop recap
Room 92: College and Career Center
If you missed it on Friday the 21st of February there was a meeting in the college and career center to inform you about all local and wide scholarships you can apply for. There was a lot of very helpful information on where to go to find local scholarships and a lot of handouts with bigger college scholarships as well. Mrs. Tucker showed everyone where the links are on the school webpage to get involved with the local scholarships in town. If you’re interested in checking them out go to Wilsonville high schools home page, click on the academics tab, go to college & career, and finally click on the community scholarships tab. Under this tab there are many local scholarships funded by local businesses and people in the community who want to give students the help they need. Make sure to check it out and apply. Also if you’re looking into any scholarships for Oregon community colleges or public colleges you can ask Mrs. Tucker in the college & career room (room 92). This event made it a fun way of learning about all scholarships by holding a big bingo game where the winners get Dutch Bros gift cards. It really got you into the information and gave you a good look into what the requirements were for each one. Also there was pizza, who wouldn’t want pizza.
Thanks to Mrs. Tucker and the counselors for holding this event. I know it was very helpful for all the students who went including myself. If you don’t want to miss out on any of these other helpful events sign up for the reminder messages by texting @whs2020a-g, @whs2020h-p, or @whs2020q-z according to your last name to 81010. Hope to see you at the next one!