Ways to keep Busy during Quaratine
Embroidery work made by Mikayla Brehm during quarantine.
During this time of quarantine there are is an abundance of free time which means it is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy mindset during this time. Staring at a screen all day can be boring and bad for the eyes. Instead of resorting to watching movies and sleeping in all days try something new. Trying new activities or crafts can keep your mind off of the things you can not control. How you manage your time is something you can control.
Some things you can do outside, keeping your six feet distance, are: drawing with chalk, roller skating, skateboarding, biking, going on a walk, sunbathing, or doing a workout outside. It is important to go outside and get some fresh air.
Maddy DuQuette , a junior at Wilsonville High School, has taken up running and bullet journaling. She states, “I would definitely recommend these to others especially running because it’s great to get outdoors and it gets out some of my pent up energy!” She follows this with a recommendation, “Set no expectations for yourself if you aren’t used to it and then build up! You have nothing to prove so just do what is good for you that is how I got myself to do it!” This is a great way to spend time outside and being active.
If it is a rainy day or you are in the mood to stay inside here are some ideas: reorganize your room, FaceTime your friends, watch a movie, try to painting, cooking/baking a new recipe, try a new workout, make friendship bracelets, dye your hair or cut it(no one will see it if it is bad), read a book, write a song, send letters to your friends, bullet journal, drop off food to your friends, do something to help someone else, learn to play an instrument, or teach yourself a new language.
Mikayala Brehm, another Junior at Wilsonville High School, has spent her time inside by trying a new craft, embroidery. She explains her reasoning for embroidery, “I have always wanted to try embroidery and now I have the time to try it out. It keeps me busy because it takes a while. I highly recommended it and it is pretty cheap.”
Whether you are going outside or staying inside, take this time to try something new.