Maddy Jones signs to the University of Notre Dame
Senior, Maddy Jones showing off her athletic accomplishments at the 2018 state competition. Now Jones continues to pursue her dreams after signing to Notre Dame.
Throughout this week, some of our senior student athletes have committed to playing their sports at colleges across the country. The honor of signing to high level schools and being recognized for their athletic achievements has been celebrated in the form of an official signing experience. One such student is track and field athlete, Maddy Jones.
Along with her personal commitment to track and field, Maddy shows her gratitude for those around her. When Maddy became a wildcat halfway through her sophomore year, she was welcomed with open arms and ever since has had the unrelenting support and assistance of those around her. “I was instantly welcomed by all the coaches and players and I think it’s really allowed me to thrive as an athlete,” Jones shares. This sense of community created by the Wilsonville athletic department has aided in the thriving of many students, including Jones.
At the end of her long track and field career, Jones received an offer to play at the division one school, Notre Dame. She expresses her excitement for this dream-like opportunity by saying, “I’m super grateful to be able to play track and field at the next level…As a child I was dreaming about playing sports in college and now it’s finally coming true.” Her hardwork and dedication to her sport has paid off greatly with this offer.
Everyone at Wilsonville can’t wait to see Maddy’s growth and continued practice as she enters into the next chapter of her athletic experience.