Picture day looked a little different this year
Photo provided by author via Canva
Picture day 2021. Wilsonville High School students finally had a chance to come to school for the first time this year.
This past Thursday and Friday (January 21st and 22nd) Wilsonville High School finally had their picture day for the 2020-2021 school year. Picture day was a little different this year.
Students were emailed a link to sign up for a 5 minute slot to come to the school and take their photo. This system made the photos go more smoothly and allowed for the students and staff to social distance and follow Covid-19 guidelines. Senior Celeste Catalan said, “it was so weird seeing people from school that I haven’t seen in almost a whole year.”
When students got to the school they parked in the back parking lot because they set up the back gym entrance for students to enter. This is so students didn’t have to walk through the school. They had x’s setup on the ground for students to stand on and social distance in line, and vice principal Mrs. Strohmaier stood at the door telling students when to move up in line and walk into the gym. Students then would walk to a desk and give their name so that they could sign in for photos.
After students were signed in, they were told which photo station to go to. Students kept masks on until the last minute of taking their photo. Then right after photos were taken they walk to a desk by the other back gym door to receive an ID card for this year, before exiting.
The whole process was very smooth, safe and fast, contrasting most years where students would stand in line, taking class time usually from their English class, for about 30 minutes waiting for photos to be taken. It’s exciting that students finally had the chance to come to school to do something, even if it was only taking school photos.