What can you do to prepare to go back to school?
Lots of people at school are getting ready for students to return. Here are some things you can do to be sure you are ready!
If you haven’t heard already, as of now we are going back to school March 15th, 2021. A year and 2 days later from the last time we were in school. It’s not concrete, but even with the speculation of returning to school we should be prepared for the changes that will occur during this school year. In the instance that we do return to school, things will be very different. So in order to prepare yourself for this strange situation of a school year, here are 10 things you can do to be prepared:
Practice Hand Hygiene often throughout the day. When washing your hands sing the ABCs or count for at least 20 seconds and ensure you wash front, back, and in-between your fingers.
2 Practice Putting Mask On and Off. You will be required to wear a mask on the bus, upon entering school, and in the classroom. Do not touch the inside of your mask when taking it off.
3 Practice 6ft of Distance. Be wary of the signs/tape to ensure the distance on the floor.
4 Purchase a Thermometer. Your temperature will be checked every morning. If it is or exceeds 100.4 Degrees Fahrenheit, you must stay home until fever free (without the use of Tylenol/Motrin). If you develop a fever at school, you will be required to remain out of school for 3 days or until the fever is gone.
5 Make/Purchase Extra Masks. When possible, disposable masks should only be used one time. Cloth masks should be washed regularly. The district will provide each student with a mask of their own, but consider making or buying multiple masks to give you proper time to wash them between use.
6 Update Immunizations, Physical, other Health Information. Contact your pediatrician to make sure you are up to date. Immunizations can also be obtained at the Health Department.
7 Change Aerosolized Medication. Nebulizers and inhalers without a chamber cannot be administered in school. Make sure you have the proper equipment and to update the Asthma Action Plan.
8 Purchase a Reusable Water Bottle to be brought to school. Water fountains will not be in service.
9 Verify/Update Emergency Contacts. If you present COVID-like symptoms, you will be placed in an isolation room and will need to be picked up immediately. Please ensure a contact can be reached at any given time.
10 Stay Informed. Educate yourself from reliable sources such as the CDC, Oregon Health Authority, Clackamas County Public Health Department, and the West Linn-Wilsonville School District website.
I think we are all aching to return to school after enduring the ups and downs of online school. If we all want to go back we need to make sure that we follow every rule to a T to ensure the safety of ourselves and those around us. Make sure to check out the CDC website for more information on how to stay safe during this time!