Kylie’s thoughts

Kylie Hadden, Staff Writer

Hi, my name is Kylie Hadden! I am a senior this year, and I am on the fence about returning to school.  Part of me wants to head to the school and experience my last year of high school. However, I’m not sure if I’m ready to go back to school just yet.

My main concern for being in-person at school is the health of others. As much as I want to see all my teachers and classmates, COVID-19 has to be taken very seriously. I personally have seen how the virus affects a person. I have close family and friends who are nurses and have shared their experiences of working during the pandemic. They share how it’s very difficult and exhausting working is to save the lives of as many patients as they can. I also have close family and friends who have had COVID-19. The exposure has caused many loved ones to pass away tragically.

Heading to school in-person will worry me more about my health as well as my family’s. Everyone is handling the pandemic differently. If I go to school, I’m unsure of what my classmates have been doing for the past few months. For me, it feels safer to stay home in an area where I can keep track of my own exposure. I also feel it is important to keep our staff and faculty safe & healthy. I feel that I’m doing my part to limit the exposure/transmission until we get vaccinated or the cases decline.

Another reason I would like to stay home is the flexibility and less stress. I have more freedom to study remotely and travel safely. I’m from California and love to visit friends and family. The pandemic has made it harder for my family to find a place to stay if we need to visit for an emergency. Staying home will give us the opportunity to quarantine on our own and watch our exposure, so it’s safer to travel.

Senior year is not what I expected it to be, but I’m trying to make the most out of it. It’s still great how I can be in contact with teachers and my friends in class. Comprehensive distance learning at home has given me more time for myself and quality time with my family. Although I’m not getting my final year of high school that I’ve always wanted, I’m more concerned for my safety and well-being so that I can look forward to my future.