Wilsonville’s own Nichols Family Agency helps Rose Haven
Nichols family is known around the community for supporting and helping everyone out.
Winter days in Oregon are normally associated with drowsy rain and grey skies. But, one thing we may not think about is how it is affecting the homeless population in Portland.
Rose Haven is a shelter and community center for women and children during the day to protect them from the elements and other factors. They help give out food and supplies for many people in need.
The Nichols Family Agency (Allstate) in Wilsonville has been a part of the Rose Haven centers’ board for almost two years. Mr. Nichols advocated for Rose Haven and made sure all of the wildcats knew that there was a donation center at the Nichols family agency. With the bitter cold and wet weather that has moved in they are in need for tarps, sleeping bags, and anything you can help with. Mr. Nichols also stated “ Go follow Nichols family agency on Facebook and Instagram, you can get more information regarding the donations.”
In addition to checking Nichols Family Agency on social media make sure to check Rose Havens website for more information.