The return to school: Hybrid model
A look into what classrooms and teaching will look like as students return to in person learning.
Mr. Deeder taking in the sight of his new socially distanced classroom. Students are returning to the classroom March 15th and Mr. Deeder can’t wait!
On Monday March 15th, 2021 the Wilsonville High School halls and classrooms will be filled with students for the first time in over a year. As kids have been prepping their back to school outfits and packing their backpacks for the return, teachers and staff have been hard at work preparing the school and classrooms for the safe instruction of students.
In the past week teachers and staff have had two designated work days to prep and workout any of the final major issues the hybrid model might have. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the whole school system is going to look a little different for the rest of the year.
Mr. Deeder, a social science teacher here at Wilsonville High School, explains that in his classroom this year there are some major differences. In a regular year Mr. Deeder explains that he would have kids situated in desk clusters to help with collaboration and group thinking in the classroom, but now “because of the pandemic my room has desks spaced out to allow for social distancing. It is not ideal, but from teacher inservice days last week we learned it is still pretty easy to talk with others in your general area, especially if the amount of students is going to be around 12-15 students per period.”
Along with the changes of seating arrangements, teachers are also adapting to the hybrid teaching format. In the hybrid model only half the class can be in person at a time which brings up a solid problem for the teachers and how they will instruct their students both in the class and at home simultaneously. Mr. Deeder expresses these challenges by stating “how do we make school meaningful for those that are in the building, while at the same time working with those at home?”
With all the modifications to the school system this year .Mr. Deeder explains that he thinks the biggest problem is that High School life is in fact not yet back to normal. He says, “ With all the safety precautions in place, it will not be like the school everyone left last March. Whether it is how to move through the halls, going to the bathroom, maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask at all times, etc. It will just be very different. I know everyone will adapt, but I know I was taken back a little when I started returning to the building and seeing all the arrows directing the flow of people, and targets placed on the ground to show you where to stand.”
Even though there are many differences for both the teachers and students this year, everybody can’t wait for the return back to school!