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The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

Avery Eckley

Avery Eckley, Managing Editor

Avery Eckley is a junior at Wilsonville High School. This being her third year in journalism, she took on the role as Wilsonville Broadcasting Network's managing editor. She appreciates the uplifting, collaborative community, and hopes for the legacy of WBN to only thrive and strengthen moving forward. When she isn't covering local events or publishing articles, Eckley prioritizes her involvement with sports, (basketball and volleyball), musical activities, spending time with friends and family, volunteering locally, and adventuring with new hobbies.

All content by Avery Eckley
Seniors Trenton Bonfiglio and Venecia Gonzalez lead the parade of graduating students through tunnels of the Wilsonville student body. Leaders among their peers and grade level, both Bonfiglio and Gonzalez served with the ASB crew and encouraged spirit/support school-wide.

Autonomy of over achievers

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
June 6, 2024
Wilsonville High School has acquired many teachers of all skills, with multiple specializing in the English department. The school year of 2023-24 has brought on 25 new teachers, ranging from language arts educators to elective administrators. Other Wilsonville teachers have built history with WHS and are serving in their 20th years of teaching.

Language Arts across the board

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
May 24, 2024
Wilsonville is home to neat, turf diamonds, well-maintained fields, and stands that hold cheering supporters. Rain or shine, the outside areas of the High School are always bustling with activity and competition.

Wilsonville Girls Lacrosse

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
May 1, 2024

[Video] Parking lot lamentations

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
April 25, 2024
Niyeti Bhaskar shares her experience with the ISEF process, enlightening Wilsonville students of the effort, commitment, and experimenting that goes into these amazing projects.

Reconnecting and recognizing ISEF

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
April 17, 2024
Many Wilsonville High Schoolers leave Child Development with happy smiles and gifts of art made by Elementary students. Some WHS students have even shared their experiences of receiving hugs from Boekmen students outside the classroom setting, as both the Primary kids and WHS students love this new elective.

[Photo] Child Development

Avery Novitsky, Guest Writer
March 18, 2024
2024-2025 upcoming juniors attend Life 102 class for course briefings presented by the school counselors. Here, students were enlightened of the graduation requirements, so they know how to best forecast for upcoming years.

Giving students a voice

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
March 6, 2024
Mindfulness guidelines give students a preview of the class goals. This mind and body awareness course will support students as they learn themselves from the inside, out.

Coming soon to Wilsonville High School

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
February 23, 2024
Sophomore Sophia Vega represents a dedicated student athlete at WHS. She uses the High School's weight room often to strengthen for softball.

Student before athlete

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
February 8, 2024
The emptiness of the halls brings a quiet and stillness that is not often the mood of the bustling school. These halls were built to be filled with people and sounds of joy echoing through them.

Life of Wilsonville High School

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
December 1, 2023
A collaborative wall in Mrs. Heaton's classroom displays two-sentence stories written by students. These ideas were inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's craft.

Pawprint on Poe

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
November 16, 2023
Hand-written papers presented by Ayoub Laouamri represents the lost art of cursive lettering. Dating back to his elementary lettering practice, Laouamri has use cursive in school ever since, completing physical assignments in cursive writing.

The lost literary art of cursive

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
November 7, 2023
Kate Thomas studies for her pre-calculus class. Like most high school students, she feels the pressure of the workload often, but words hard to do well and earn good grades.

[Photo] Math class rundown

Connor Larsen, Staff Writer
November 3, 2023
Mr. Davies conducts the orchestra. The performance was extremely successful and appreciated by the community.

In tune with orchestra’s showcase

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
October 23, 2023
Sophomore Camryn Schaan experiences difficulty in life class in completing a chemistry assignment. Like many high school students, she displays a common posture of discouragement while beginning to work through her homework.

How to beat writer’s block!

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
October 20, 2023
Wilsonville High School library shelves many books that currently await being challenged in banned books week. Included is “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson, “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison, “Gender Queer” a memoir by Maia Kobabe.

The challenge of Banned Books Week

Avery Eckley, Academics Editor
October 6, 2023
Image created by the author.

2023 WVHS New Staff

WBN Team
September 14, 2023
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