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The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

The Student News Site of Wilsonville High School

Wilsonville Broadcast Network

Melody Garcia Gonzalez

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer

Melody García-González is a junior at Wilsonville High School. She is a staff writer for the Paw Print. This is her first year writing for the Newspaper. In her free time she enjoys to read and spend time with friends and family.

All content by Melody Garcia Gonzalez
STAMP test was offered to students at Wilsonville High School. Several students took the exam in  a language of their choice.


Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
March 23, 2019
Students from schools throughout all of Oregon compete in ISEF at Viking Pavilion at Portland State University

ISEF state fair

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writter
April 18, 2019
Emojis representing science fields that are covered in ISEF. Students will be competing in the District Fair in a couple of days.

ISEF mock symposium

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
March 4, 2019
Pamphlet handed at the conference. The aim of the conference was to educate students on current issues.

[Photo] Edúcate conference

Melody Gonzalez, Staff Writer
February 20, 2019
Movimiento Estudantil Chicano de Azatlan (MEChA) is an organization that informs, supports, unites, and uplifts the chicano community. Anyone is invited to join and soak up the culture, learn and celebrate with MEChA.

[Photo] MEChA: semester I (2019)

Melody Gonzalez, Staff Writer
February 15, 2019
MEChA students at Holiday Bazaar selling hot chocolate and conchas. Proceeds will go to Doernbecher and Portland Rescue.

MEChA: holiday bazaar

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
January 29, 2019
Rodayna Abdelhalim, student at Wilsonville High School. She is a junior this year taking 6 AP classes.

Rodayna Abdelhalim

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
January 29, 2019
One of the flyers posted around the school with information about the Winter Coat Drive. The coats collected will be donated to those in need.

Winter coat drive

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff writer
December 17, 2018
The Ofrenda created by MEChA and NAHS students, featuring celebrities, family, and friends who have passed away.

Dia de los Muertos

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
November 13, 2018
One of the flyer posted around Wilsonville High School. The flyer honors notable Latinxs in the community throughout Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic heritage month

Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
September 22, 2018


Melody Garcia Gonzalez, Staff Writer
September 19, 2018
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